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Retarus Press Release

Retarus launches new service to reduce administrative efforts for email encryption

User Synchronization for Encryption enables companies to maintain control over their key management

Milano, 14/11/2023 // Retarus has made its new User Synchronization for Encryption (USE) service available to their customers. The service is an integral component of Retarus’ Email Encryption solution and enables IT security managers to automate numerous tasks, saving time as well as money.

Email encryption is a core aspect of any IT security concept, granting companies the best possible protection from unauthorized access to their confidential business information. At the same time, it places a significant burden on the IT department. Certificates always need to be kept up to date, for instance when new employees join or leave the company. Meanwhile, the latest guidelines and compliance policies need to be taken into account when activating new rule sets or ordering certificates. This usually involves a considerable amount of manual work. With its new USE, Retarus is offering a service which significantly simplifies the administration of company-specific encryption policies and the importing of users – allowing them, for instance, to make use of uniform rule sets in the course of their encryption processes. S/MIME and PGP keys can also be generated automatically and synchronized by way of the service. This gives IT managers full control over encryption users and their keys. Large enterprises, in particular, who have large numbers of users, IT systems integrators, and distributors benefit greatly from the huge reduction in manual efforts and error rate.

User Synchronization for Encryption is effortless and secure to use. IT Security managers define for which of their employees keys and certificates need to be generated, and exactly how the customized rule sets should be configured. This input is processed automatically by Retarus. Administrators receive a report detailing the status of the synchronization and the generated keys by way of email.

Communicate securely and confidentially with Retarus Email Encryption

USE is an integral component of Retarus Email Encryption. The gateway-based encryption solution, which enables companies to safeguard the confidentiality of their email communication, runs entirely automatically in the background. Using a secure webmail provider, the solution works successfully even if a communication partner is not using an encryption service of their own. Based on customer-specific rule sets, confidential messages are encrypted automatically, along with any attachments, and forwarded securely to the recipient. In addition, the intelligent email filtering carried out by Retarus Email Security Services ensures that outbound messages are scanned reliably for viruses before they are encrypted, while inbound messages are checked thoroughly once they have been decrypted. Retarus uses the well-established S/MIME (SwissSign), PGP and OpenPGP standards for the data transmission. An encrypted connection moreover ensures that sensitive information is secured against unauthorized access at all times, during every phase of the email transmission.

Informazioni su Retarus

Retarus è un provider globale di soluzioni cloud in grado di modernizzare e proteggere la comunicazione digitale e lo scambio di dati di aziende e autorità pubbliche. I prodotti principali comprendono il Cloud Fax digitale, SMS, Transactional Email, Email Security, Supply Chain Integration e Intelligent Document Processing. Retarus dispone di data center distribuiti in tutto il mondo, che forniscono queste soluzioni con i massimi livelli di performance, sicurezza e protezione dei dati. Retarus, con sede a Monaco di Baviera, è stata fondata nel 1992, è gestita dai proprietari ed è orgogliosa della sua forza innovativa. L'azienda impiega circa 500 persone in 20 filiali su cuattro continenti. Oltre la metà delle aziende quotate nell'S&P Global 100 si affidano a Retarus e, al pari dei principali analisti, confermano l'eccezionale qualità e affidabilità dei suoi servizi. Retarus offre i suoi prodotti in modo diretto e in stretta collaborazione con partner selezionati. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito:

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