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Retarus Press Release

Project FARO by Telefónica Retarus guarantees the continuity of corporate communication while smoothly transitioning to fiber optic

Retarus has positioned itself as a leading provider who can guarantee reliable fax communications throughout the transition from copper to fiber optic lines.

Milano, 09/07/2024 // Telefónica’s FARO project, which aims to replace copper lines with fiber optic, represents a challenge for a lot of companies and organizations whose communications still rely on analog faxing. Given the urgent need for adaptation, Retarus is considered the ideal option thanks to its cloud faxing solutions, which not only eliminate dependency on copper lines, but also offer a series of advantages and benefits for companies that are digitalizing.

Problems companies have to deal with:

The fax is widely used in both public and private sectors, especially by entities that must comply with strict regulations for data management and protection. The withdrawal of copper lines also means an end to all analog fax-based communications, which could result in interruptions to business processes.

In the public sector, this will affect the exchange of critical information (legal communications, notifications, etc.) between concerned parties (ministries, public authorities, courts, attorneys). Similarly, fax-based communications in the financial and insurance sector would also be extensively affected. Retarus offers these companies a comprehensive solution, providing an efficient alternative that maintains the continuity of their communications in the digital age.

Retarus Cloud Fax, so much more than just a digital fax

Retarus is an excellent partner for managing all your business processes, who incorporates fax as an essential element of the company’s communication strategy. This eliminates the need to operate your own infrastructure or local fax machines, resulting in significant cost savings. All of this is achieved using simple integration mechanisms based on both email servers and applications, which also facilitates compliance with data protection and security regulations. Retarus Cloud Fax is Spanish Data Protection Law (LOPD) compliant and has obtained the highest level of certification from the National Security Framework (ENS).

Antonio Ramilo, Head of Sales at Retarus Spain, explained: “The digitalization of business communications is vital in today’s world, which is why we are committed to providing companies the tools they need to remain agile and competitive in a constantly evolving environment”.

Informazioni su Retarus

Retarus è un provider globale di soluzioni cloud in grado di modernizzare e proteggere la comunicazione digitale e lo scambio di dati di aziende e autorità pubbliche. I prodotti principali comprendono il Cloud Fax digitale, SMS, Transactional Email, Email Security, Supply Chain Integration e Intelligent Document Processing. Retarus dispone di data center distribuiti in tutto il mondo, che forniscono queste soluzioni con i massimi livelli di performance, sicurezza e protezione dei dati. Retarus, con sede a Monaco di Baviera, è stata fondata nel 1992, è gestita dai proprietari ed è orgogliosa della sua forza innovativa. L'azienda impiega circa 500 persone in 20 filiali su cuattro continenti. Oltre la metà delle aziende quotate nell'S&P Global 100 si affidano a Retarus e, al pari dei principali analisti, confermano l'eccezionale qualità e affidabilità dei suoi servizi. Retarus offre i suoi prodotti in modo diretto e in stretta collaborazione con partner selezionati. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito:

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