7 Reasons for using XRechnung

XRechnung, a standardized invoicing format originally developed for public sector billing, is now also gaining in importance in Germany among companies in the B2B sector. But why should companies make the transition to XRechnung? Here are the main reasons.

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Modern communication platforms pave the way into the cloud

In this age of rapid technological progress and constant digital transformation, companies are faced with a multitude of challenges regarding automation, agility, big data, IoT, and AI. In order to stay competitive, businesses have to modernize their software and IT infrastructures. Already in a state of transition, many organizations currently find themselves working in hybrid application environments.

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Crowdstrike outage: If only emails had still worked …

Now that the initial shock after the Crowdstrike incident has subsided, the first companies are starting to analyze the situation – regardless of whether they were affected themselves or escaped with a scare. One thing seems to be clear: very few people could have imagined such a large-scale outage caused by an update by some software actually designed to protect the system. However, it often doesn’t even have to be such a large-scale outage to suffer serious consequences for business operations.

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Fax still merits its role in business

Bitkom, the German IT sector association, recently conducted a survey to find out the extent to which German companies are still sending faxes. The outcome: 77 percent of all companies are communicating via fax, and 25 percent responded that they are using fax often or very often. There are very good reasons for this.

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