The pizza delivery man always rings twice: hot food thanks to messaging services

The pizza delivery man always rings twice: hot food thanks to messaging services

Now that winter is finally here and the weather is unpleasant, the number of orders placed at online delivery services has reached its highest levels. It’s a speedy and convenient option, offering a welcome change from one’s own cooking artistry. The most compelling argument at this time of the year, however, is probably that this way of consuming your dinner functions perfectly without having to leave your favorite sofa at home. And that is why just about every household from time to time orders its meals from delivery services with colorful names such as Sushi Taxi, Flash Burger or Pizza Express. How do delivery services manage all those orders placed online? Messaging services help to communicate with customers at the right moment.

Speedy meals require functioning processes

But what does actually happen behind the scenes when such an order is placed? How do online platforms like Delivery Hero ensure that the order is received correctly at the take-away restaurant around the corner? And how can the delivery service ensure that the food arrives at the customer on time – in a hot and enjoyable state? In order to set up an ordering process that works quickly and easily for all concerned, the internet platforms crucially require a highly complex IT infrastructure. At the partner restaurants, by way of contrast, the infrastructure needs to be kept as simple as possible. In the kitchen it is essential that staff can concentrate on the core business – cooking – and not have to deal with complicated, maintenance-intensive gadgets. And anyway, sensitive electronic equipment is not exactly well-suited to the hectic and sometimes « greasy » restaurant business.

Messaging Services: Directly from the internet to the take-away restaurant

Once the customer has chosen his meal and triggered an order via the online form, the order is forwarded automatically by fax to the relevant restaurant, meaning that it arrives in the form of a typical fax page. Thanks to the time stamp it is possible to track exactly when the order arrived at the restaurant. Following successful transmission of the message an automatic response is sent to the CRM system of the online platform, which then in turn sends the customer a confirmation of the order by email or SMS. At peak times, such as in the half time break during a Champions League final, tens of thousands of orders are activated simultaneously at an online delivery service in this way. Only the use of Cloud Messaging Services can make it possible for companies to handle this huge volume of orders quickly, smoothly and reliably – increasing throughput sustainably.

Steaming pizza delivered to your door

Transmitting the orders in paper form also has another pragmatic benefit. As soon as the order comes out of the fax machine, the pizza bakers can for instance receive the orders directly in the kitchen and process them immediately. The fax can then also be attached to the pizza box and serve as a delivery note. This is not only perfect for the processes in the restaurant, but also keeps the customers happy. They receive a steaming hot, fresh pizza without delay – and without having to expose themselves to the whims of winter. From the order confirmation via SMS to the automatically generated delivery service order by fax and on to the authentication using secure two-way SMS – more and more internet portals are relying on Retarus’ managed services to support them in this regard. Find out more about this topic in our special section Retarus for Internet Economy or in person from your local Retarus contact person.

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