Experton study: 25 percent lower costs with managed cloud solutions

Experton study: 25 percent lower costs with managed cloud solutions

The analysts at the IT consultancy Experton Group have investigated opportunities for cost optimization through managed cloud services in a new study. The result: When compared with running an in-house IT infrastructure, companies can achieve savings of 25% on average in this way. The analysis is based on a total of more than 150 IT projects, representing a wide range of use scenarios.

Great cost-saving potential for a variety of use cases

The empirical analysis, based on the proven survey methodology and key financial indicators used by the Experton Group, shows that across all configurations and use case scenarios there are great opportunities for saving costs. According to the analysts, even companies with a medium-sized system configuration showing moderate growth benefit from substantial cost reductions of up to 1 million Euros over a typical project duration of 3 years. Cloud models, moreover, provide users with the breathing space required in daily business to concentrate on the strategic orientation of the company with regard to digital transformation. According to the analysts, companies primarily consider a managed cloud for their enterprise applications, followed by the use scenarios for infrastructure, web applications and workplace productivity.

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