Security Alert: One in six emails contains a virus

After Locky, here comes KePanger, PowerWare and Petya: Retarus is currently observing a significantly higher incidence of the crypto trojan Locky, as well as new variations. Whilst in February only around 3% of all incoming emails were infected, the number of messages filtered in March due to viruses had already risen to 17%. This corresponds to a fivefold rise in comparison with the previous month and can be explained primarily by the large increase in ransomware.

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How to protect yourself from blackmail trojan Locky

Since last week the aggressive blackmail Trojan Locky has been causing mischief on computers around the globe. Retarus expands existing spam and virus protection functions and switch all customers over to fourfold virus scanning for the duration of the current, acute threat. To protect yourself as well as possible from attacks by Locky and similar ransomware, users should additionally be vigilant when running macros.

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