When I happened to take a look at our Yammer network this morning, I was reminded once again of what a great company I am actually working for here. One of my colleagues had posted some photos of a school in Nepal, which had just been handed a bunch of used notebooks. The devices had been decommissioned by our Enterprise IT team after being written off, despite still being quite usable indeed. My colleague and his wife had, in fact, lugged the notebooks all the way to the Himalayas in person, on their way to enjoying a mountaineering holiday in April. Now the devices are performing a valuable role at the Agree Janata Secondary School in the West Nepalese Parbat district. A really great combination of personal engagement and commitment with Corporate Social Responsibility, in my opinion. Horst, we’re mighty proud of you!
Apart from this act of kindness far afield, the focus of our social engagement is mainly on providing local support for schools and charitable institutions as well as aid organizations. Under the “Retarus hilft” (Retarus helps) banner, we support four social projects in the Munich area: H-Team, Lichtblick Seniorenhilfe, Fluchtpunkt Jugendhilfe and the Frauenhaus München. Each employee starting at Retarus can choose one of these four organizations, which will then receive financial support from the company for the period of one year. And those who would like to actively support “their” project as an unpaid volunteer will be given paid leave for up to two days per year. As part of our “Geschenk mit Herz” (A Heartfelt Gift) Christmas package initiative we are, moreover, proud to spread a little Christmas cheer to a lot of needy children once in the year.
The Spirit of Christmas Retarus

Tags: CSR