Cloud Fax works just as well from the Home Office

Cloud Fax works just as well from the Home Office

Since the beginning of the week, the coronavirus crisis has seen a lot of people ordered to work from their “home offices” on the spur of the moment. Yet, at home things don’t always work in the way that they have become accustomed to.

For instance, literally overnight, workers have had to make do without the fancy multifunction color printer in a nearby corridor. Moreover, since the demise of analog and ISDN lines for private customers, hardly anyone is still using a fax machine at home.

Not a problem for those who can send and receive faxes using the laptops they have brought home, just as quickly and easily as in the office: with Mail2Fax and Fax2Mail, Retarus’ location-independent cloud services, which only require internet access. The services allow faxes to be sent straight out of the user’s email program and received in the customary email inbox. By the way, this also works in conjunction with cloud suites, such Office 365 or G Suite.

Beyond this, Cloud Fax also offers a whole host of other benefits compared to running your own on-premise infrastructure. If you are interested in finding out more about our Cloud Fax options, please take a look at our website or get in touch with your local Retarus representative.



  1. Dream Team: Retarus Fax2Mail and HP ePrint - Retarus Corporate Blog - […] very useful, for instance if a hard copy of every incoming fax needs to be archived. Or if one…
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