SRH Group protects their email systems using Retarus Email Security

SRH Group protects their email systems using Retarus Email Security

German education and healthcare group SRH uses cloud-based Email Security from Retarus to protect their 25,000+ electronic mailboxes. The messaging specialist was recommended by their partner Deutsche Telekom, who supports SRH with strategic security advice.

SRH consists of 45 different companies and institutions in the areas of healthcare, education, and social services throughout Germany. Almost 10,000 people are employed in the non-profit foundation’s healthcare division alone. The subsidiary SRH IT Solutions GmbH is responsible for providing the various institutions and divisions within SRH with IT services and solutions.

The existing solution for email security and sandboxing was an aging system from a US manufacturer that was operated on-premises. The data that SRH processes on a regular basis includes sensitive patient data and, like the healthcare sector as a whole, SRH has been the repeated target of cyber-attacks. SRH IT Solutions therefore wanted to improve their standard of security with a system offering the highest possible malware detection rate.

To select a suitable service provider, SRH IT Solutions created an evaluation matrix with the support of Deutsche Telekom. Retarus emerged victorious from this selection process and was named the new provider, winning out against two global market players that also had made it onto the shortlist.

The Retarus solution protects the mailboxes of around 14,000 employees as well as numerous functional mailboxes. There was no need to provide end users with training other than initial registration. The comprehensive user manual provided by Retarus answered any follow-up questions. Acceptance of the new system was very high from the outset, with employees particularly thankful for the “digest”, a daily email that delivers each user their personal spam report with optional access to quarantined messages as a self-service.

For further details please refer to our latest Customer Story.

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