Simplified contact management with dynamic distribution lists

Anyone who regularly sends newsletters and mailing campaigns to a large amount of recipients knows it all too well: managing distribution lists can take a huge amount of time and effort. Web-based message distribution tools simplify this task considerably. But even here, steps have to be taken to ensure that for every transmission the correct distribution list is always used. This is often done through tedious and troublesome data imports to the web platform because the data usually stems from CRM systems and is transferred shortly before the message is transmitted.

No need for tiresome filtering: Dynamic distribution lists

The dynamic lists function in Retarus WebExpress offers a remedy. Using this filter function, the required addressees can be taken from a previously uploaded general distribution list. This list is used as the basis for compiling new distribution lists which are customized individually for specific transmissions or campaigns. This means that there is no need for the tiresome filtering and selecting of contacts in Excel or uploading the lists to the web platform yet again. One concrete example: For an event in southern Germany only CEOs from the ZIP code regions 7, 8 and 9 should be invited. To create a dynamic list the general distribution list containing all contacts is used as a basis for the new customized list. By using logical connectors or “Boolean operators”, new dynamic distribution lists can be generated in only a few steps. For this example the filter appears as follows:

[(Position – equals – ‘Managing Director’) OR (Position – equals – ‘CEO’)] AND [(ZIP CODE – begins with – 7) OR (ZIP CODE – begins with – 8) OR (ZIP CODE – begins with – 9)]

A detailed instruction guide with more filtering options can be found in the digital manual, which is available to all users in the WebExpress portal. The local Retarus experts are also happy to answer any other questions about the web-based transmission platform.