A Secure Start to 2018

A Secure Start to 2018

The German digital sector association, Bitkom, has rung in the New Year by publishing a set of tips for boosting security on computers and the internet. One of the points the authors shine a light on is the use of better passwords. Anyone relying on the same password for various online services is making it very easy for cyber criminals, warns Bitkom IT security expert Nabil Alsabah: “If this password should happen to fall into the wrong hands, the entire online identity of the user is at risk.” With this in mind, Bitkom advises internet users to employ complex passwords, use a password manager* as a “vault for passwords” (the master password then of course has to meet the highest standards for security!) as well as making use of multi-factor authentication whenever possible, which additionally requires a one-time code to be transmitted by SMS – for instance when registering for a service. In general, the digital association moreover recommends the deployment of a modern virus scanner and keeping operating systems and applications up to date. Last, but not least, internet users should above all use their good common sense in dealing with emails, in order to prevent phishing. Companies can naturally also provide technical protection for their employees’ email accounts with Retarus E-Mail Security and its dedicated phishing filter. *This refers to dedicated programs such as 1Password, Dashlane, Lastpass or Keepass, but not the saving of passwords within web browsers, which is anything but safe and in the meanwhile has already been abused by the advertising industry.  

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