Retarus remains one of Bavaria’s fastest growing companies. As in 2012 and 2015, the Munich-based provider of enterprise cloud services has once again been awarded the title of “Bayerns Best 50”.
The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy bestows the award on owner-led, medium-sized enterprises which have achieved above-average growth in staff numbers while limiting turnover when compared with the preceding years. At the award ceremony last Tuesday, Retarus’ founder and CEO Martin Hager received the certificate and a Bavarian Lion statuette from Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development & Energy and deputy Minister President of Bavaria.
“We are very pleased to be honored with the Bayerns Best 50 award for the third time, placing us firmly and consistently among the top enterprises in Bavaria,” said Martin Hager, Retarus’ founder and CEO, upon receiving the award at Schleißheim Palace near Munich. “Receiving this award for the third time is an affirmation of our crisis-proof growth strategy, which is aimed at achieving long-term growth. The recognition of our efforts at the highest levels certainly gives us added impetus to continue to resolutely follow this path in the future.”

For more details, please take a look at our recent press release.