Retarus consigue una de las mejores tasas de envío de faxes, independientemente del destino

En el pasado, enviar un fax de un punto A a un punto B era un proceso sencillo y fiable que podía hacer prácticamente cualquier persona. En el ámbito empresarial moderno actual, nos encontramos ante flujos de trabajo complejos que recorren redes enormes y que pueden abarcar países y continentes enteros.

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Personalized newsletter: Just a few steps to your customized holiday mail

Not only in private life but also in everyday professional life the festive planning usually suffers with all its to-do lists and deadlines associated with the end of the calendar year. So it’s all the more important that at least the season’s greetings from the head of the company and the invitation to the Christmas party are not neglected in the mad rush. This is where Retarus WebExpress provides a remedy.

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