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WebExpressTechnical Specifications

Retarus WebExpress makes it easy to create and edit email, fax and SMS communications via your web browser and send these using the Retarus Enterprise Cloud, even to large distribution lists. Includes open and link tracking, bounce management and an extensive range of personalization functions.

General Functions

Send email, fax and SMS campaigns via web-based messaging platforms
Access via standard web browser—no hardware or software required
Flexible personalization of email, fax and SMS (content, header, sender, barcode, …)
Transmission scheduling and delivery is accurate to the minute for all media
Central management of distribution lists, blocklists, campaigns and subscription forms/pages
Language versions: German, English, Italian, French, Spanish
Comprehensive real-time monitoring with reports, statistics, and analyses
Central configuration and user administration, hierarchical rights management
Adherence to local compliance policies and data protection regulations (complies with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BDSG, GDPR, …)


Distribution Lists and Blocklists

With Retarus WebExpress, email, fax and SMS jobs can be created with just one distribution list, which can be freely defined in the structure, and contains all relevant address attributes and personalization information. As the only cross-media messaging platform, Retarus WebExpress supports specific character sets, for example, for Polish, Russian, Japanese or Chinese recipients, to help you personalize email, fax and SMS messages.
More info
  • Supported distribution list and blacklist formats: XLS(S), CSV, TXT
  • Maximum no. of data records per distribution list: unlimited/65,000 (XLS)
  • Unlimited upload of distribution lists
  • Central, cross-media upload of distribution lists and blacklists
  • Automatic recognition of column content when uploading lists for email, fax and SMS communications
  • Subsequent editing of distribution lists is possible in the Portal
  • Options for limiting visibility of distribution lists
  • Company-wide and user-specific blacklists
  • Dynamic distribution lists created from existing distribution lists using freely definable filters
  • Automatic consistency check
  • Freely definable distribution list structures
  • Automatic upload of distribution lists from applications so that recipient details are always up-to-date

Template Management

Template management lets you create, check, edit and save email, fax and SMS campaigns, personalization templates and forms, as well as confirmation emails and confirmation pages for subscription management—all in a central location.
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  • Create campaign templates in your Corporate Design
  • Customizable log-on and log-off pages, confirmation emails and text blocks
  • Easy to create in a WYSIWYG editor with CSS support
  • Create pixel-precise templates for fax personalization using a Drag&Drop editor
  • Department-wide/company-wide release of templates

Image Library

The image library is typically used for logos, product images or photos that are re-used in campaigns on a regular basis. Each user is allocated 2 GB or memory for images. The standard formats GIF, JPG, JPEG and PNG are supported.
More info
  • 2 GB of memory per user
  • Supported image formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG
  • Detailed information for each image, for example, image size, file size, most recent date of use
  • Department-wide/company-wide release of images

Sending Emails

Retarus WebExpress lets you create and send email mailings via web browser. Includes spam test, legally compliant subscription management, customizable log-off pages and tracking mechanisms.
More info
  • Supported email formats: HTML, TXT
  • WYSIWYG editor with CSS support
  • Legally compliant subscription management (double opt-in/opt-out)
  • Spam test with indication of spam probability for your emails
  • Personalization of sender and recipient (subject line and body)
  • Automatic generation of “View in Browser” links
  • Images can be embedded in the email directly (no blocking, no reloading)
  • Image maps to link variable areas of an image
  • Integration of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Xing and LinkedIn
  • Test emails to freely configurable email addresses
  • Open rate tracker
  • Link tracking
  • Bounce management
  • If necessary, attachments can be sent via fax if an email address is unknown

Sending Faxes

Retarus WebExpress lets you send documents by fax to large distribution lists with just a few clicks. Fax transmissions can be based on all standard file formats. Fax headers and fax texts can be individually personalized.
More info
  • Supported file formats: BMP, DOC(X), GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, PPT(X), TIF, TXT, XLS(X)
  • Synchronization with national blacklists, such as the Robinson lists of BITKOM and ECOFAX
  • Never busy technology for delivery rates up to 100% and error-free delivery
  • Optional configuration of a CSID
  • Personalization in the fax header and fax text
  • Pixel-precise positioning of personalization fields using Drag&Drop
  • Response elements can be configured for recipients
  • Send faxes to different recipients at the same fax number
  • Possible fax resolutions: Low and high
  • Supported paper formats: DIN A4, US letter
  • 18 fonts, including two barcode fonts

Sending SMS Messages

Retarus WebExpress makes it easy to send SMS messages via your web browser to virtually all communications networks worldwide. With international character sets, if necessary longer than 160 characters, and directly to the recipient’s display.
More info
  • Combined SMS messages of up to 10,000 characters
  • Character sets: Standard GSM-7 and extended character set UTF-16, for example, for Turkish, Polish or Asian characters
  • Send Flash SMS messages for direct display on the recipient’s device (display depends on end device used)
  • Editable sender recognition
  • Preview including character calculation and test transmission
  • Can be used in combination with services for SMS receipt, for example, for STOP-SMS

Functions Overview

Email Fax SMS
Cost centers      
Duplicate check      
Delivery confirmation      
Transmission priority (normal, express)      
Transmission date and time can be selected      
Reference information      
Test transmission      
Reporting (online and Excel)      
Resend option      
Email Fax SMS

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