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Retarus becomes a “German Accelerator” enterprise in Silicon Valley

New York, 27.10.2016 // Retarus has won the prestigious intercompany “German Accelerator” competition. The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology set up the program in 2011 to support innovative enterprises in the high-tech and digital sectors to further strengthen their market positions in the United States. As an “Emerging Company”, Retarus stands to benefit from the support and development program by gaining improved access to technology resources as well as a network of innovative partners and sector experts on the US West Coast.
The “German Accelerator” program aims to provide promising German companies with resources required to establish a footprint in Silicon Valley, the world’s leading high-tech capital, giving the winning company a significant boost in the region. In addition to supporting the companies with local infrastructure on the ground, the award-winning enterprises also gain particular benefit from an interchange of interdisciplinary expertise with mentors, co-development opportunities and easier access to renowned players in the sector.
German Accelerator logo

Retarus strengthens its US West Coast presence

This award will further facilitate global IT service provider Retarus’ continuing expansion and development in the US market. Retarus’ presence in Silicon Valley enabled by the grant will further develop the relationships between the recently expanded US headquarters in New Jersey and potential customers and partners on the West Coast. The program will allow Retarus to focus more closely on the needs of local businesses and sectors, accounting for cultural differences within US regional markets. Highly skilled, face-to-face consulting expertise and impressive local service standards have always formed the foundations on which Retarus has built its corporate success in North America.

Retarus CEO Martin Hager: “Innovation and startup culture still in our DNA”

Martin Hager, CEO at the Retarus Group
“We are pleased that our politicians in Germany are backing up their words with deeds, and that ‘German engineering’, which is so highly respected in the USA, is now also being promoted and supported sustainably in the IT sector. With innovative solutions and services for process communications, our sector is currently making a significant contribution to the success of the digital transformation around the globe,” Martin Hager, CEO at the Retarus Group, commented on receiving the award. “Winning this competition is a clear confirmation that despite more than 20 years of experience in this business, innovation and startup culture is still part of Retarus’ DNA. As a relatively young company in the US market, support such as this is crucial for Retarus to establish a stronger foothold on the West Coast.”
Steve MacDiarmid, CEO and President at retarus Inc.
“Winning the prestigious German Accelerator award is a huge step forward for retarus Inc. With the resources, knowledge, and relationships gained from our participation in the program, we can continue on our strong growth trajectory,” said Steve MacDiarmid, CEO at retarus Inc., on the potential of the award. “The German Accelerator program is key to US expansion. With a stronger presence on the West Coast, Retarus can better connect with customers, prospects, and partners enabling us to get closer to the market and business challenges. As an innovation company, we know this step is critical in continual enhancement and development of organization as well as our goal of being the market leader in our industry.”
Retarus is one of the fastest expanding global providers of cloud messaging services for B2B communications. Its services facilitate the safe and efficient flow of information for enterprises around the world. The company is active in ten countries, where it is represented by wholly-owned subsidiaries, and has 16 branch offices around the globe currently. All services are provided in compliance with the locally applicable compliance and data privacy requirements from Retarus’ own data centers and co-locations worldwide.

About Retarus

Retarus is a global provider of APIs, gateways, and applications for messaging, email management, and the exchange of structured data for business processes – with top performance, security, and data protection, provided from the company's self-operated data centers around the globe. Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Munich, Germany, Retarus is owner-managed and proud of its innovation power. The company employs a staff of around 500 at 20 locations on four continents. Retarus' services are leveraged by the world's leading companies. The services are sold directly by Retarus or in close collaboration with selected partners. Analysts constantly commend Retarus' outstanding quality and reliability. More details:

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